April Challenge: Serendipity


New Challenge - Serendipity

 April 2021 Challenge #4

As always our challenges are ANYTHING GOES with an optional theme.

Optional theme:   ser·en·dip·i·ty The occurrence and development of events by chance

Hello and welcome back! If you are new to our challenge, please take a moment to read the rules. This is a monthly challenge starting the first Saturday of each month. Our theme is optional, but would love for you to use it as inspiration on your link up this month. 

Monthly digital prize is....

A $10 GIFT CODE to Taylormadecards4u!!! 

ALSO, if you would like to use a digital product from Taylormadecards4u, feel free to use the discount code below to receive 20% off your digital order!!!
Code is:  Challenge2021

The team is using the digital set called Mrs. Darcy's Diary. This set is available in both the kit size as well as the bundle. 

To get you in the mood, I am offering up these beautiful bookmarks. This  set is FREE this month over at the shop. You can find it in the $1 section along with some other wonderful $1 image sets.  To get this image, use coupon code Freebie!

And now for some inspiration from the design team!






Now these definitely scream SPRING! Don't forget to click on their links to check out their process videos.

Now lets see your designs! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing the bookmark freebie. Love this month's challenge theme. Lovely design team samples. Thanks for the challenge!


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